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Posts in category inspirations

From the heart to the hands: Dolce�...


The exhibition of one of the most famous creative duos in the world of fashion is held from April 7 to July 31 at the Palazzo Reale in Milan. The exposition presents an almost immersive show to the audience, the visitor is practically not allowed to get distracted or bored, he is led from room […]

The film of the week or how to retur...


The film of the week or how to return the taste for life The thriller Scott Mann’s “Fall” is naturally not a new topic, but conquering the peak, setting records and thrills always beckon the human soul, because this is a kind of filling with the meaning of life, and in the case of the […]

Whether AI defeats human genius is an...


Jason Allen, Théâtre D’opéra Spatial, 2022 The question of whether AI defeats human genius is being asked more and more insistently in society.  The news that the owner of tabletop game company created an image using neural networks, enlarged it printed on canvas, won an art competition Colorado State Fairaround the world and became a […]

Sensuality and expression of the poli...


A Polish poster is not even exactly a poster, and not as something utilitarian, advertising or propaganda.  In Polish culture, and now in world culture,it is a part of art, closely associated with theater and cinema.  Namely, with these artworks begin the bewitching path of the viewer to stage action. 1.Ryszard Kaja, Viva Diva, poster […]

Ford vs Ferrari. Review of the film


  Ford vs Ferrari, the film based on real events with real characters, primarily about human nature, about the destruction of hope, about a newfound dream, about disappointment, about love, friendship, about big ambitions, about potentially  vulnerable vanities, bloated vanity, which gave the course of this story. The plot is based on how one insulted […]

Photographer Atom: “Please think abo...


Every true artist, creator, no matter in what area, always has an idea, and his message.  Without a concept, there is no art, without it, it is just a craft or meaningless performance.  A Japanese photographer working under the pseudonym Atom  (1980, based in Tokyo ) invites the viewer to look at our planet, at the world […]

When design inspires #14. Nike and tr...


In the run-up to Roland Garros, the only tennis tournament of the year on clay, Roland Garros, Nike launched a collection based on toile de jouy ornaments. Tennis – sport is beautiful, smart, where many things are conservative, with its own traditions. It’s not a secret to anyone that in the UK at the main […]

Samuel Salcedo. Hyperrealism or life ...


  Perhaps at first glance, the hyper-realistic sculptures of Samuel Salcedo seem unattractive and even repulsive in some places. But after looking closely, you can understand and accept his message – it s about us, people who are not covered under masks of goodness, this is when we don’t strive to appear to be the […]

Paul Sontag. On the verge of light a...


  Paul Sontag (1987-2012) Cravingbird I 2010 oil on canvas, this very picture made me stop at the exhibition of Estonian artists in the New Tretyakov Gallery. In the dark depths of the picture there is a similarity of grids like a cage, a girl is on the foreground surrounded by people in white bird […]

Green book. When the movie is not onl...


When I was asked about this film, “can you formulate it by one word?”. Almost without hesitation, it immediately appeared the word “dignity” in the head. Then, “nascent friendship that knows no prejudices, class or racial differences” and the third one “music”. And with all that, “The Green Book” is a film – comed-drama or […]

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