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Posts in category style

From the heart to the hands: Dolce�...


The exhibition of one of the most famous creative duos in the world of fashion is held from April 7 to July 31 at the Palazzo Reale in Milan. The exposition presents an almost immersive show to the audience, the visitor is practically not allowed to get distracted or bored, he is led from room […]

Five design things of this week #6


This summer has come over its “equator”. It’s a little bit sad, if consider that it didn’t indulge us by splendid weather. But the more dear to us glimpses of turquoise behind the lead spots of heavy clouds. But still, August promises us the starry nights and the continuations of the velvet season. So we […]

Five things of the week #1


So, La frimeuse opens new category in the art journal , where we chose interesting things and art object for interior decoration. And there are first set: Pierre Cabrera, Table, Materials HI-MACS (solid surface), extra-clear tempered glass LATITUDE’s lamps are made from ceramics, carved and polished by hand. KERAMIK RIB LILA, BLAR, INDIGO Base: ceramics Lamp-socket: plastic Finish: […]

Mister Perfect


If I ask anyone, who could be called «Mister perfect» of the tennis world, any amateur, professional or fan, they will be consentient in one thing is Roger Federer. He’s the maestro, the genius, the «king», «fedexpress», «Swiss watches» and just legend. photo Martin Schoeller At one time Roger seemed  (but maybe he was) like […]

Alexey Brodovitch. The genius of edit...


He was born in the Russian Empire, studied in St. Petersburg, tried to escape to the front for participating in the First World War. Then he finished the Military School  became an officer and found himself midst of post-revolutionary situation and the Civil War on the side of the White Army. And then, the events happened […]

Artists and theatre. Part 2. Yves Sai...


Yves Saint Laurent was the artist, the designer, the genius, the brand. There is the whole world beyond his name. The world of fashion is  bustling, glamorous, cruel but attractive and fantastic, where as a scattered bright mosaic, there are catwalks, models, haute couture shows, boutiques, magazines, tortures of creative process, rehearsals and at last after another sumptuous collection […]

Dandyism. The modern dandies. Part 2

Dandyism. The modern dandies. Part 2

Dandyism. The modern dandies. Part 2 The good news is they are here and they are among us. They, who are trying to make the world around them brighter and more elegant, who create their own atmosphere of elegance, refinement,who express their personality through lifestyle and appearance, defending their individualism in our time faceless mass […]

The ode to gray suede


The soft velvetiness attracts your stare, you would like to touch this roughness,   the blurred shadows mesmerize your eyes,. You do not care about practicality, you can not resist this texture. Suede  is your favorite stuff. From all color range of suede’s things your hand stretches to grey. If you feel same, then you […]

Dandyism. Roots. Part 1


It’s no secret that present self properly and with dignity – a great art. The expression of the inner world through the appearance, demeanor, judgments – it is a whole philosophy and lifestyle. As in any art, is valued only an original. Any forgery  even the most skilful of it in the end of the day will […]

Magnificent style – Erte


Have you ever covered a desire to draw after watching the works of any artist? Would you like to create a sketch by the movement of one line and to add up color by the same temperament and elegance? Have you ever caught courage and grabbed  a pencil in the creative fever? Erte is one such creators. […]

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