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Posts tagged art

Samuel Salcedo. Hyperrealism or life ...


  Perhaps at first glance, the hyper-realistic sculptures of Samuel Salcedo seem unattractive and even repulsive in some places. But after looking closely, you can understand and accept his message – it s about us, people who are not covered under masks of goodness, this is when we don’t strive to appear to be the […]

Five design things of this week #17


  February. The time when the winter will play for a long time with us in “to leave or to stay” and the thaws will be replaced by gusts of winds, but thoughts run inexorably in the direction of spring. Plans, hopes, travels, meetings, impressions. It’s ahead, but now you can just dream about flights, […]

Paul Sontag. On the verge of light a...


  Paul Sontag (1987-2012) Cravingbird I 2010 oil on canvas, this very picture made me stop at the exhibition of Estonian artists in the New Tretyakov Gallery. In the dark depths of the picture there is a similarity of grids like a cage, a girl is on the foreground surrounded by people in white bird […]

The exhibition of Ilya and Emilia Kab...


  Have you ever wondered what will remain after us, a trace in art, in science or in the memory of our loved ones, whether memories of our life will be handed down from generation to generation, and your things be carefully kept as a family heirloom. Whether you wanted to find freedom and happiness, […]

When design inspires #13. Glithero. D...


The creative duet of Glithero (British designer Tim Simpson and Dutch designer Sarah van Gameren) never stop to amaze. In their London studio, they create objects, furniture and installations. The key points of their work is the transformation of the object in time. Their credo is functionality, simplicity, understandable to everyone, but created by non-standard […]

Mihial Chemiakin. Jewellry for magic


Mikhail Shemyakin together with the jewelry company SASONKO developed decorations and miniatures (the images of the characters of the Nutcracker ballet). They carry a certain magic, same of what the artist created for the theater.     Now these jewelry can be part of the image of the wearer, bringing him/her a little magical mood […]

Wim Delvoye. Read the message


Any art has a deep meaning in it, even if it seems senseless and irrational to you. Art is always a message to all mankind or a particular person. It can be ironic, often veiled and not always readable, but this does not become less significant. Simply, the energy message of the creator and the […]

Mihail Chemiakin. Impressions of the ...


In honor of the 75th anniversary of the artist Mihail Chemiakin, a retrospective of his work has been opened at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (#mmoma). Ambiguous, rebellious spirit of the creator is presented at all stages of creativity from the 60-70s to the present day. A complex life and career takes several halls, […]

Sois creatif! Be creative!  The adver...


Тhe original advertising campaign launched by the French advertising agency LunaGalo, is a series of posters “Be creative!” with different motivating slogans. The set of placats «Be creative», and the first one is called «Casse stéréotypes» or «Break stereotypes». Nothing better sometimes than just to break patterns, erase some stereotypes and tear chains. Let they get […]

Arkhip Kuindzhi. Impressions of the e...


The retrospective of the artist’s creative path is always an interesting phenomenon, when time, events, searches, experiments, masterful searches are passing before your eyes. it creates some unique opportunity to live and feel, or just watch and embrace the whole lifeof the artist, even if difficult, but in general rich and harmonious. In the autumn […]

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