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Sois creatif! Be creative!  The advertising compaign  for design bureau «LUNA GALO»


Тhe original advertising campaign launched by the French advertising agency LunaGalo, is a series of posters “Be creative!” with different motivating slogans.

The set of placats «Be creative», and the first one is called «Casse stéréotypes» or «Break stereotypes».
Nothing better sometimes than just to break patterns, erase some stereotypes and tear chains. Let they get out to the anything else….hey, I greet you, the pure space without
any frames and standards!


The set of placats «Be creative», and the second one is called «Avance sans l’inertie» or «Move without inertia».
Sometimes our life weaves complicated lace, in another moment it could be a tangled mesh, so we need our kinematic and dynamic movement …. because any movement is better than any inertia.



The set of placats «Be creative», and the third one is called «Utilise les chances» or «Use your chances».
How many possibilities does providence gives to us, a lot or much more? Do we use these chances us or continue to knock in closed doors? Some of us have already the level of experts in a such case. May be it s time to throw away excessive expectations, feel the easiness of perception, soar up and see at the whole picture. After all, perchance we can see huge quantity of doors are ajar for us.



The forth poster is called «Profite ta vie» or «Enjoy your life».
Profite ta vie et la joie ne vous quittent jamais. We feel some passion for octagons. There is in them something sacral, isn’t it? Generally, everybody knows that rotated eight is the sign of eternity. Let joy and enjoyment don’t quit you ever.







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