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Star’s promises. Horoscopes for november



November  seems a dull and boring month, but only at first glance. In fact, this time bears in itself the soulfulness that prompts the person to understand himself and gain strength for further accomplishments before the onset of winter. November is a preparatory period for decisive action, you just need to pick up a key to deepness of own soul, which conceals so many ideas.



It’s time to fulfill dreams. You have waited for a long time, but now the moment comes when there is nothing to lose, it remains to act and live only for yourself. Evaluate your abilities and step forward, because life is full of amazing instants. November is your month and success in business will not take long to wait. But, remember that things should bring you some joy. Only then the stars will be support and lead you to the victory.


You should  resist any dependence. In November, you need to begin to take seriously your life and do something for your own inner freedom. It’s  not enough to enjoy what life gives you. Set goals and try to reach them, and  open a lot of new and unexplored things before you.


Throw out people of your life, who cast a shadow on your bright dreams. Free yourself from internal pressure. Get inspiration everywhere. Going out, enjoy the coolness. In this cold weather the heart will burn brighter. Attend some the theatrical performance will make everything rational of your soul retreat and simply enjoy the art.


Your problem is nebulosity. It always and everywhere follows you. If something  gnaws you, then in November it’s time to put an end to the secrets that corrode the soul. It is useful for you  is to look back and think about what could have been, really, interesting, and you have not yet finished anything and gave up it on a half way. In November, devote your time for walks. Air dispels doubts and fills the mind with new ideas.


Create what you want. Insolence fits to you. Each new idea makes your talent sparkle with renewed vigor. Do not leave your thoughts for later, do everything with the speed of light. Look for your calling and discover the world of total immersion in art without boundaries.


Here we want you to give advice: do not start this month with mini-manipulations. They will turn against you when you are completely unprepared. Well, while you are far from the problems enjoy your peace, indulge yourself. But try not to satisfy less self-admiration, it does not fit to you. It’s too tediously and make others to feel uncomfortable close to you. In November, work on your personality, and then much will change.


The main task for a month is to get ahead of the basic goal for the next year. You need to organize and focus yourself on one thing from which your heart accelerates the rhythm. You can do many things, but you just have to go deeper and begin to act.

You are immensely talented, and the time of realization has come.


In November, it is desirable to spend time in nature, your thoughts will come to order. You are one of the rare people who can do things that are not particularly inspiring, so it’s time to relax. Start moving towards the cases that you have abandoned long ago, but still can not forget them. If you want to implement each of the previously abandoned cases – move forward and look for your inspiration.


You are already ready to fly towards fun, but before that, look around and think what else you are interested in. Find a passion for yourself, study it in an inspired way and delve into new knowledge. In November, devote time to finding a hobby.


Think about what you want, specifically, for yourself. You do not cease to live in a routine. Return to old hobbies, they will bring you great happiness. But do not forget that for you November comes with the condition of visiting the theater. Develop and live an art.


Your hobbies reveal you from a new and bright side. You can do everything. Discover new facets of your personality, do not get stuck in an oasis of happiness, life has big plans for you. In November think more about yourself, and do not forget to imprint any of your own creativity.


You always choose the wrong people, and your huge potential fades under the yoke of these individuals. Think about yourself and try to change the line of your life. Begin to invest only in yourself, visit the beauty salon: change hair color or hairdress and add manicure here. Well, if you are a man, then take care of your style, a new haircut will make you more confident.

And forward to a new life, where the main thing is you!

Nina Vetvinskaya

artwork Ekaterina Mungalova (c) aka Ekaterina Moong

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