Diamonds are flashing In the bright light of hundreds of candles. Rubies and spinels are twinkling gently, cold brilliance of sapphires and emeralds contrast with them. Precious stones, artfully inserted into gold and silver are as the stars, sometimes as the whole constellation are shimmering on surfaces of heavy silk, velvet and fine lace. All of this is repeatedly reflected in the mirrors create a fantastic atmosphere of solemnity and lightness, pretentiousness and refinement, narcissism and sensuality, caprice and charm.
Such a image is drawn by imagination. It doesn’t inspire by the pages of a historical novel or memoirs.There are another witnesses of former splendor and grace, refined taste and elegance before us.
«The dazzling magnificence» – so wants to be called works of jewelry art, that came to us from other centuries.

She had written many books of art history. This work is dedicated to the history of jewellery is read in one breath. It is equipped with a large number of illustrations. Portraits nobles of those times, drawings and engravings of artists with ideas of creating jewelry, photographs of the masterpieces of the best museums and private collections in the world, complete this fascinating story.